Tags: Make your new house feel like home as a couple by relaxing on the bed with pizza.Guest Articles
May 24, 2023

Reaching that point in your life when you can finally afford to buy a house is very exciting, particularly if you’ve been living like a nomad for years, moving from one rental to another. Still, you first have to go through the emotional journey of finding the perfect property. Unfortunately, this can take a long time and can become very stressful. As a result, people rarely think about what comes next. You shouldn’t fool yourself into thinking that your job is done once you find the right place. You still have to transform it into a home, otherwise, you’ll continue to feel like a nomad. To make things easier, take a look at these simple tips to make your new house feel like home.


No. 1 To make your new house feel like home, clean it thoroughly

The first thing you should do before moving into your new house is clean it thoroughly. Take your time to dust, sweep, wash, and scrub every inch of that place. After all, you want to move into a clean and healthy environment.

Of course, this is much easier to accomplish when there’s no furniture and moving boxes around. However, if you don’t have the time to do it before the day of the move, you might want to consider hiring professional cleaning services. They will get the job done in no time.


No. 2 Spruce up your new house

As a general rule, for your protection, you should always get a home inspection before buying a property. This way, you’ll know from the start what you’re getting yourself into. More precisely, you’ll identify any potential issues, and you’ll be able to estimate how much time and money it will take to fix them. In any case, you should take care of all necessary repairs and updates before moving in.

Once you finish the repairs, it’s time to spruce up the place. And don’t worry; you don’t have to break the bank on this one—you can simply add a fresh coat of paint. The important thing here is to choose colors you love and combine them however you desire. Because this is what will make your new house feel like home.


No. 3 Declutter before moving into your new house

The last thing that would make your new house feel like home is clutter. Therefore, getting rid of anything you no longer need before you move is best. This is particularly useful if you’re moving from California to Texas and hiring movers. While pros can take care of this, they will charge you based on how much stuff you have. Thus, if you don’t want to spend a fortune on the move, you should make time to declutter.

Before you start packing, go through every room and inspect all your belongings. Throw away every item that is broken, torn, or too worn out. Everything else that you no longer need or haven’t used for more than a year, you should donate or sell. Once you’re left only with what you want to keep, you can finally pack and move.


No. 4 Get organized

Once you arrive at your new house and see that it’s full of moving boxes, it’s only natural that you’ll want to free up the space as soon as possible. However, you shouldn’t rush the unpacking process.

If you want to make your new house feel like home, you need to put everything in its place from the beginning. Of course, this will take some time, so you should start by unpacking and organizing the essentials. This will make your life a lot easier during the first few weeks.


No. 5 Make it cozy

Your home should be where you feel most comfortable and at peace. It’s where you can relax and recharge after a stressful day. Therefore, if you want to make your new house feel like home, you should make it cozy.

So, once you’ve finished arranging the furniture and unpacking most of your belongings, it’s time to bring in some soft textures. There’s nothing cozier than a soft blanket, lots of throw pillows, and a fluffy area rug. You can also add some scented candles and install dimmer switches to make the space more serene.


No. 6 Personalize it

Even after you finish furnishing the entire house, you can still feel out of place in it. One of the reasons for this is that it might look staged. As a result, if you want to give it that homey vibe, you must personalize it.

And what better way to do this than by hanging up some photos of your loved ones? If you’re uncertain about their positioning, just use removable picture-hanging strips. At the same time, if you have any heirlooms, travel souvenirs, kids’ artwork, or collectibles, you should find a good place to display them.


No. 7 Decorate with plants

Decorating your home with live plants will immediately brighten up the place. Plus, it will make you feel like you’re putting down roots. But you shouldn’t focus solely on the inside of your house. You can decorate the outside as well. For instance, you can impress your guests with a row of potted plants on your front porch. Or you can plant flowers and bushes in your front yard to improve your home’s curb appeal. If you have a big backyard, you can even start growing fruits and vegetables.


Final thoughts

After living like a nomad for many years, buying a house will feel like a dream come true. However, becoming the property owner and moving in is not enough to make you feel like you belong there. That’s why you should use these simple tips to make your new house feel like home. This will help you adjust faster to your new surroundings and feel comfortable there. Once you achieve this, you can start making new memories in that house that will eventually make you call it your home.

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​​​​​​​Lori J. Fecteau
24165 IH-10 West, Suite 217-170 San Antonio, TX 78257